Sunday, November 4, 2012

Death Proof

This faux poster for Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof was a contribution to the latest issue of F/I/M²/P. The original posters (like the film itself) also replicated the feel of a 70s exploitation movie but what they did was replicate the style without overemphasizing one of the film's selling points: Kurt Russell playing a badass again. In attempting to try a different approach, I ended up doing just that.

The title lettering also functioned as a bit of a personal throwback. While sketching this out, I remembered once going through an Alex Ross sketchbook and looking at how accurately he would redraw the title on every sketch he'd do for a comic book cover. I figured it'd be a shame to let my graphic design education go to waste...  Drawing the title ended up being the most enjoyable part of working on this poster.

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