Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Mime Kids on a Tree

This drawing started out as a formal exercise. I noticed an interesting looking tree while driving home the other day and decided to draw it as best as I could remember. Once the tree was sketched out, it felt like it was placed on the paper in such a way that allowed for some kind of narrative to be added. Somehow that led to the egg-stealing mime kids.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Merry Christmas Tiny Tim

I wouldn't say I hate Christmas but I do have a strong distaste for the festive season. I see close to no point in beating a dead horse on the head ranting about commercialism and whatnot but hopefully this minor attempt at mischief brings genuine holiday joy to any fellow curmudgeons out there who are sick of being stuck in long hours of traffic as a result of people running out to buy crap trying to validate that they care about each other.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Satan and His Human Slave

This one was supposed to be nothing more than a quick warm-up before getting started on a new job. "Hey, I haven't drawn anything digitally in a while" I thought. Several hours later, I end up with another variation of a favorite subject of mine, evil little girls:

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Nothing about this drawing was intended to make much sense. I was recently gifted a brown-paper sketchbook so it was mostly just a way to exploit a limited selection of pens on this kind of paper, and I have to say white pen is my new favorite thing at the moment.

And yeah, bewb-monster.

Monday, October 14, 2013


This drawing started out as a quick exercise in ink drawing and the initial idea was to draw an alien/mutant that was trying to blend into an urban environment. Somewhere along the line, it started looking like a monkey and I got carried away with detailing it.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Yet Another Seated-Girl Drawing

I've been in the long drawn-out process of cracking the script with this particular character's story for several years now and it's dawned on me that the most recurrent pose I draw her in is sitting around doing nothing. On the surface, that probably sounds like a boring description but I've always been more fascinated with people in moments like this. Hopefully, they're thinking about something and it's fun wondering what that could be.

Monday, August 26, 2013


If this drawing feels familiar, A.I. Artificial Intelligence was one of my favorite movies growing up. I drew it thinking of two things in the film that stood out for me: David floating with a school of fish and the transparent mechas at the end. Itching to draw something bio-luminescent, I figured it might be good to combine both visuals into something more organic. Somehow, I ended up with jellyfish-kid here:

Click drawing to enlarge

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


This started as part of an exercise: make a lot of drawings quickly and directly with pen. The objective was to force myself into deforming proportions in ways I wouldn't  consider when using an eraser is a possibility.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Taking a Dip

This poster was released with the sixth issue of F / I / M ² / P Magazine. The theme for the issue was skinny dipping and beyond that, I wasn't given any restrictions. Initially, I wanted to draw something a lot more complicated but ended up changing the whole drawing at the last minute when I thought of including the kid. I'm of the opinion that was a wise decision.

Friday, June 7, 2013


Here's yet another sketch featuring one of my favorite subjects: seated girl with a cat. My concern with this one was initially to try and get that expression on her face right but I ended up fleshing it out and liking the result enough to post it.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Toilet Snack

I was up late working on a commission that required me to draw fashionable young people. Somehow, I ended up drawing this instead.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


(Click on the drawing to get a larger version)

Right... so it's a good idea to have a bic pen at your disposal as you wait to get assigned something at work. I had a paper in front of me with some very rough layout doodles (basically a bunch of straight lines). In my waiting, I drew the ass-kicker woman first and then the blur of a man (the ass-kickee) and liked what I had. In my attempts to cover up the surrounding doodles, I cobbled together a setting by scratching over the existing lines and ended up with what I think is one of my better drawings.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Angry Walk

This sketch is of a character I've been drawing for about four years now. She's popped up in some of my previous posts but I'm refraining from making any formal introductions yet as it's probably going to be a couple of years before I consider giving the project she belongs to the requisite attention (it's a long, long comic).

I haven't mustered the energy to properly document anything I've been working on for a while so I haven't been posting much. This drawing was a nice way to decompress during the late hours of the night and I'm happy with how her walk turned out so I figured I might as well put this up...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Girl with a Cat

This drawing was an early sketch for a character in a comic I'm hoping to draw someday in the not too distant future. I ended up making some drastic changes to the latest sketches so I don't think I'm ruining any potential surprises by posting this.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Girl Bands

This illustration was featured in the Chromosome XX version of the 4th issue of F / I / M ² / P. It accompanied an article about girl bands of the 60s and three bands were on the must-feature list. They are from top to bottom: The Ronettes, The Supremes and The Shangri Las. The fun part of working of this was drawing from reference but with a thick brush. I ended up abstracting them in a way I normally wouldn't have thought of.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Marked Cat of Evilness

I Google searched a skull and stuck it on an old sketch of a cat for this one...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Roy Invades the Ring

Ol' Roy here's attacking an area I worked a particularly annoying job once.
For composition's sake, I couldn't work in his snail friend.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


This is a poster I illustrated for the launch of the new issue of F / I / M ² / P (details on the poster). The issue's driving theme is Men Vs. Women so I wanted to do something involving aliens and astronauts considering men are from Mars and women are from Venus (obviously). As I started drawing it, I figured the saying alone wasn't enough to base myself on so I added a groin-kick. That's midnight-drawing-logic at it's finest for you.

Friday, February 1, 2013


This was a surprisingly fast drawing given the way it was shaded. Getting started, the only idea I had of how it should turn out was that I wanted something small to be saying that line. The rest was all figured out on the spot, but generally it was meant to be reflective of how people tend to define themselves by their (perceived) flaws quite often.

On a technical note, this was one of the first drawings I've done using Photoshop CS6. Some of the brushes that come with the update seem to respond a lot faster than in previous versions so I'd highly recommend a lot of people try it.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


The reasoning behind drawing this was fairly straight forward. It's been snowing and I recently finished reading Blankets, a comic that is for the most part set in the snow. I was blown away by the penmanship (and generally by everything else) in that comic so I decided to try and draw something that was somewhat similar stroke-wise. Stylistically, I didn't veer too far away from my usual approach to comics but this was a fun break from a day otherwise consisting of getting a lot of paperwork done.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


(Click image to enlarge)

This illustration accompanied an article titled "DC vs. Marvel" in the third issue of FIMP. My plan was originally to draw a giant battle or something extravagant like that. While that's still there to some extent, I made a last minute decision to bring forward what mostly drew me to superhero comics in the first place and it's that they're essentially a bunch of orphans dealing with their issues on an operatic scale. Enough people seemed to have found this drawing funny so I suppose the humor inherent to the genre came across pretty well.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Alien City

(Click image to enlarge)

This drawing was a sample I made for a project that never came through but I'm still very happy with it.  The idea was to try and combine M.C. Escher and Dark City as the project involved world building in a way that used distorted perspective. It was a pretty cool project and it fell apart mostly because I didn't manage to fit it in schedule-wise... One of those lost opportunities...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Celebrating the New Year and Poop

You're probably wondering why this post's title includes the word "poop." The highlight of my celebrations for the new year was indulging a request by my younger cousins to draw a man pooping. They started by demanding that I draw Santa performing the aforementioned action but after an extensive negotiation, I convinced them that his metabolism works in such a way that he doesn't need to use the bathroom (I already drew him on heroin so I figured I'd cut him some slack).

At this point, you're probably wondering how this has anything to do with the above drawing. I ended up drawing a myriad of things with my cousins as we ended up playing a guessing game for most of the evening and this is something I suggest for all illustrators to try out. There's nothing like drawing live for a bunch of kids to get the old noodle working so by the time they got sleepy and went to bed, I was in a pretty good drawing mood and this sketch came out. It's one of my favorites in a long time so the lesson of the day is:

If a kid asks you to draw a man pooping, you'd better do it.